Your prayers are requested:
For the sick: John Creech; Julie Rivera; Jeffrey Creech; Juliana Mbanusi; Mitchell Kuster; Sandy Doss; Ezinne Udeze; Jon Abellano; Erica Jean Amatucci; Mary Moien; Joan Bort; Joseph Panossian; Christopher Goldsmith; Cecilia Anderson; David Miles; Jessica Epard; Kevin Kincius; Erik Cooper; Maurice Cheung; Mandy Dorsey Demaraius; Gloria Hensel.
For the deceased: Anna Tantoh; Bishop Gonzalez; Margaret Bowen; Marie Berard; Ray Smith; Julie Andrus; Robert Jacobs; Paulinus Nkazi Nwachnkwn; Marie Catherine Christy; James Bordas; Mame Ellis; Jim Ragusa; Edward Tappe; Leslie Hilliard; Margaret Shorter; Paul Javier; Katrina Danley; Leonard Fisher; Thomas Payne; Mary Jeanne O'Malley-Allen; Margaret Gradwell Taylor; Andrea Hanyok Lashley; Valerie Choudury; Kate Frederick; Betty Edwards; Daleta Johnson; Peggy Rooney; Larry Hull; Lucia Kellogg; Annette Sardelli.
For those serving in the military.
For emergency and health care workers.
For those preparing to receive the sacraments: Chimere, Chioma, Evan, Hannah, Jason, Lauren, Michael, Sarah, Uzodimma, and Vanessa.
For the Pope's Monthly Intention: January - For the right to an education
Let us pray for migrants, refugees, and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected.